2024 China and Global Economic Forum 中国与全球经济论坛
In the year 2024, the global economy faces a series of uncertainties. Despite the presence of unprecedented changes, the strategic competition between China and the United States continues to escalate. The de-globalization phenomenon exacerbates challenges such as the rise of global trade barriers, energy crises, supply chain disruptions, inflationary pressures, and vulnerabilities within the financial system. The issue of climate change remains prominent, multilateral governance requires urgent reform, and global asset allocation necessitates rebalancing. Additionally, long-term challenges such as population aging and debt accumulation persist, with countries urgently seeking breakthroughs in productivity growth and sustainable development. The advancement of digital technology and artificial intelligence presents new opportunities for economic development. In this era of profound change, the global political and economic landscape faces numerous challenges and transformations. Furthermore, China’s economy and financial sector are confronted with unprecedented domestic and international pressures and opportunities.
2024年,全球经济面临一系列不确定性。百年未有之大变局下,中美大国博弈持续;逆全球化加剧,使得全球贸易壁垒、能源危机、供应链危机、通胀压力和金融体系脆弱性等问题愈发突出。气候变化挑战依然突出,多边治理格局亟待变革,全球资产配置面临再平衡。与此同时,人口老龄化、债务积压等长期挑战横亘,各国迫切寻求生产力增长和可持续发展的突围之路。数字技术和人工智能的进步为发展带来新的契机。 值此巨变,全球政经格局面临巨大挑战与深刻变革。中国经济金融也面临前所未有的国际国内双重压力与机遇。
Seeking collaboration and fostering mutual benefits can serve as robust foundations for promoting openness and development, as well as paving the way towards shared success in this era of unprecedented changes and uncertainty. The Institute of Chinese Economy (ICE, HKU Business School, in collaboration with the China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF) at Renmin University of China, is organizing the 2024 China and Global Economic Forum. The aim of this event is to deeply study the new phenomena, problems, and trends facing China and the world in this changing landscape, and to explore new paths for China’s economic resilience, recovery, and sustainable development. The forum invites policymakers, elite economists, business leaders, and academic experts to gather in Hong Kong. Through high-level intellectual exchanges and dialogues, speakers will share insights on China’s and global economic and financial issues. The objective of this forum is to promote consensus through dialogue and cooperation, with the goal of contributing ideas for China’s economic and financial development, enhancing China’s constructive participation in international governance, and fostering mutual trust and consensus within the international community, ultimately promoting healthy development and win-win cooperation between China and the global economy.
积极对话、寻求合作、互利共赢,才能在充满不确定性的百年未有之大变局中,找到开放与发展的韧性之锚与共赢之路。 为深入研究大变局下中国与全球面临的新现象、新问题、新趋势,探讨中国经济韧性复苏与可持续发展的新路径,香港大学经管学院中国经济研究所(ICE)携手中国人民大学中国宏观经济论坛(CMF),举办2024年中国与全球经济论坛。论坛广邀决策层政要、精英经济学家、商界及学界领袖齐聚香江,通过高水准的思想碰撞与对话交锋,就中国与全球经济金融问题分享真知灼见。以对话推动共识、以共识推动合作,论坛旨在为中国经济金融发展献计献策,为中国作为建设性力量参与国际治理,为国际社会消弭分歧、增进互信、凝聚共识,促进中国与全球经济健康发展、合作共赢。
Details are as follows 详情如下:
Organizers:主办机构: | Institute of China Economy (ICE), HKU Business School 港大经管学院中国经济研究所(ICE) China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF), Renmin University of China 中国人民大学中国宏观经济论坛(CMF) |
Co-organizer:联合主办: | Hong Kong Alumni Association of Renmin University of China中国人民大学香港校友会 |
Date日期: | July 20, 2024 2024 年7月20日 |
Time 时间: | 9:00 am-5:30pm 上午9时至下午5点30分 |
Venue地点: | Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong香港大学黄丽松讲堂 |
Language 语言: | Mandarin 普通话 |
*Registration 注册: | Please register here. There is no registration fee. Seats are limited. 请在此注册。无需注册费。名额有限。 * Note: Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email prior to the event. * 注:成功注册者将在活动开始前收到一封确认电子邮件。 |
08:30 | 嘉宾签到 |
09:00-09:05 (5分钟) | 论坛开幕 主持人:江欣荣 香港大学全球CEO项目首期班学员、德林控股董事局主席、前凤凰卫视主持人 |
09:05-09:15 (10分钟)
| 开场欢迎辞 蔡洪滨 港大经管学院院长、经济学讲座教授、中国经济研究所(ICE)所长 |
09:15-10:05 (50分钟)
| CMF季度论坛(2024年中期) CMF中国宏观经济分析与预测报告(2024年中期)发布 杨瑞龙 中国人民大学国家一级教授、经济研究所联席所长、中国宏观经济论坛 (CMF)联合创始人、联席主席
第三届香港大学中国经济季度论坛 ICE中国经济报告发布 毛振华 港大经管学院实务教授、中国人民大学经济研究所联席所长、教授、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)联合创始人、联席主席、中诚信国际首席经济学家 |
10:05-11:05 (60分钟)
| 主题演讲 高培勇 中国社科院学部委员、原副院长 吴晓求 中国人民大学国家金融研究院院长、国家一级教授 刘元春 上海财经大学校长、中国人民大学原副校长、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)联合创始人 |
11:05-12:20 (75分钟) | 经济圆桌—当前中国宏观经济形势分析与研讨 主持人: 张红松 港大经管学院中国经济研究所(ICE)副所长、经济学副教授
对话嘉宾(按姓氏笔画排序): 王 庆 上海重阳投资董事长兼首席经济学家 邢自强 摩根士丹利中国首席经济学家、董事总经理 刘 青 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院副院长(主持工作)、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)主要成员 李冰晶 港大经管学院中国经济研究所(ICE)副所长、经济学副教授 崔 历 建银国际证券董事总经理、首席经济学家 |
12:20-14:15 (115分钟)
| 午餐(仅限受邀嘉宾) |
14:15-15:35 (80分钟) | 主题演讲 巴曙松 香港交易所董事总经理、首席中国经济学家、北京大学汇丰金融研究院执行院长、中国银行业协会首席经济学家、港大经管学院兼职教授、香港特区政府特首政策组专家组专家 陈志武 港大经管学院金融学讲座教授、郑氏明德讲席教授(金融学)、量化历史研究中心主任、香港人文社会科学研究所所长、香港大学校务委员会成员、前耶鲁大学金融经济学教授 林 晨 香港大学协理副校长、港大经管学院副院长(研究与知识交流)、金融学讲座教授、宝光基金教授(金融学)、金融创新和发展研究中心主任,工商管理博士项目主任 何国俊 港大经管学院经济学系、管理与商业策略系教授、香港大学赛马会环球企业可持续发展研究所所长、港大经管学院中国经济研究所(ICE)副所长
15:35-15:55 (20分钟) | 茶歇
15:55-17:10 (75分钟)
| 金融圆桌—中国与香港宏观微观金融:挑战与前景 主持人:江欣荣 香港大学全球CEO项目首期班学员、德林控股董事局主席、前凤凰卫视主持人
对话嘉宾(按姓氏笔画排序): 王晋斌 中国人民大学经济学院副院长、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)主要成员 闪 辉 高盛首席中国经济学家 闫 衍 中国人民大学经济研究所副所长、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)副主席、中诚信国际评级有限责任公司董事长 刘晓光 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院教授、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)主要成员 李 鹰 中国人民大学香港校友会副会长、亚洲先进同位素技术有限公司联合创始人兼执行董事、香港有限合伙基金协会创会会长 常 健 巴克莱银行中国首席经济学家 |
17:10-17:30 (20分钟) | 问答及交流 |
| Guest Registration |
09:00-09:05 (5 mins) | Opening Master of Ceremonies: Crystal JIANG, first cohort student of the University of Hong Kong’s Global CEO Program; Chairman of the Board of Directors, DL Holdings Group; Former TV Host at Phoenix Television |
09:05-09:15 (10 mins) | Welcoming Remarks Hongbin CAI Dean and Chair of Economics, Director of Institute of China Economy (ICE), HKU Business School |
09:15-10:05 (50 mins) | CMF Quarterly Forum (Mid-2024) Release of CMF China Macroeconomy Analysis and Forecast Report (Mid-2024) Ruilong YANG National First-Class Professor, Co-director of Institute of Economics, Renmin University of China; Co-founder and Co-chair, China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF)
3rd HKU Quarterly Forum on Chinese Economy Release of ICE China Economy Report Zhenhua MAO Professor of Practice, HKU Business School; Co-director and Professor, Institute of Economics, Renmin University of China; Co-founder and Co-chair, China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF); Chief Economist, China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. |
10:05-11:05 (60 mins)
| Keynote Speeches Peiyong GAO Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Former Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Director of the National Institute of Financial Research, National First-Class Professor, Renmin University of China Yuanchun LIU President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Former Vice President of Renmin University of China; Co-founder of China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF) |
11:05-12:20 (75 mins) | Roundtable on Economics – Analysis and Discussion on Current China Macroeconomic Situation Moderator: Hongsong ZHANG Associate Director, Institute of China Economy (ICE); Associate Professor of Economics, HKU Business School
Panelists (alphabetical order by surname): Li CUI Chief Economist and Managing Director, CCB International Securities Limited Bingjing LI Associate Director, Institute of China Economy (ICE); Associate Professor of Economics, HKU Business School Qing LIU Deputy Dean of National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China; Key Member, China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF) Qing WANG Chairman & Chief Economist, Shanghai Chongyang Investment Management Ziqiang XING Chief China Economist and Managing Director, Morgan Stanley |
12:20-14:15 (115 mins) | Lunch (by invitation) |
14:15-15:35 (80 mins)
| Keynote Speeches Shusong BA Managing Director, Chief China Economist of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX); Executive Director of the HSBC Financial Research Institute at Peking University; Chief Economist of the China Banking Association (CBA); Part-time Professor of HKU Business School; Member of the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit (CEPU) Expert Group
Chair Professor of Finance, HKU Business School; Cheng Yu-Tung Professor in Finance at HKU; Director, Centre for Quantitative History (CQH); Director, Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS); Member, HKU Council; Former Professor of Finance at Yale University
Chen LIN Associate Vice President, HKU; Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange), HKU Business School; Chair of Finance; Stelux Professor in Finance; Director of the Centre for Financial Innovation and Development; DBA Programme Director
Guojun HE Professor in Economics, Management and Strategy, HKU Business School; Director, HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute; Associate Director, Institute of China Economy (ICE) |
15:35-15:55 (20 mins) | Coffee Break
15:55-17:10 (75 mins)
| Roundtable on Finance – China and Hong Kong Macro and Micro Finance: Challenges and Prospects Moderator: Crystal JIANG, first cohort student of the University of Hong Kong’s Global CEO Program; Chairman of the Board of Directors, DL Holdings Group; Former TV Host at Phoenix Television
Panelists (alphabetical order by surname): Chief China Economist, Barclays Bank Ying LI Vice President, Hong Kong Alumni Association of Renmin University of China; Co-founder and Executive Director of Advanced Isotopes Technology Asia Limited; Founding President of Hong Kong LPF Association. Xiaoguang LIU Professor, National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China; Key Member, China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF) Hui SHAN Chief China Economist, Goldman Sachs Jinbin WANG Deputy Dean, School of Economics, Renmin University of China; Key Member, China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF) Yan YAN Assistant Dean of the Economic Research Institute of Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of China Macroeconomy Forum (CMF), Chairman of China Chengxin International Credit Rating Company Limited |
17:10-17:30 (20 mins) | Q&A |